Tuesday, June 12, 2007


After a long break flying from France to Berlin to my home city in Spain, here I'm back in Toulouse for some days. What can i tell you about this European tour? Please go to Berlin if you need to go somewhere to refresh yr head and soul.
And please go to berlin just beacuse, we don't need any excuse to ride around this city!

Berlin, this is the subject of "It's raining dykes" #8 (so all good places and pervert people will be there), but let's not go to fast....number 7 is not yet in the streets, it's just aout from the oven: all in flash green talking about this Ville rose (the pink city, as we called Toulouse in French, why? just read the zine!!) and the launching will be held on thursday 14th of june at 19h in a new lesbian coffe called Vert-Caramel (45 rue des Paradoux, Toulouse).

During the meantime (it means my 3 minutes of spare time) i've been drawing a lot and making engraving for an exhibition (for the launching). Also reading and learning how to tell a story, to be able one day of writing a long and good comix.

I stop now.
Let's have a good summer.

1 comment:

Odessa TV Repairs said...

Hi great reading your blogg