#traduction en français la semaine prochaine, c'est promis!#
Here u've got the zine queer tale that has taken all my neurones from the last weeks.
Queer zine history, as any underground media history, is difficult to explain and find as not many people take care of collecting all the information, as all the information is not easily available. I think that's the way it is because, even if I also think that we should be aware of history, it reflects a non-hierachical network system, where there is no real "first" of "major" one. Maybe the only solution to a non-hierarchical, non-established history that respects this notion of network and personal creation is to collect everything and make everyone has acces to everything. For me the Queer Zine Archive Project (QZAP) is a great solution for our lack of history information on queer zines. And everyone making queer zines should be actif in supporting it in a kind of political engagement: we are queers and we do queer zines for all queers in the world. Let's use internet if it can help us. Let's use mail. Let's use festivals, meetings, books, radios, concerts, demonstrations. Let's travel and bring our stuff with us, let's distro and exchange.
This zine queer tale is not a perfect one: many names, people, places are missing. I'm aware of that. All zines, people, places are equally important for the network. This is not a history og big names but a history of big ideas.
I did my best with the information I had, but I'm ready, and hopeful, to change things around, add, draw more and more pages. I want to know more about European, African, Asian, South American queer zines. This shouldn't be a North American centered tale, but for the moment it is. That's easy to change if we (non North American queer zinesters) want to, so let's change it.
Thanx so much for all the groups and individuals supporting this project (Milo and Chris from the Qzap, Nina from Echo Records and Riot Grrrl Europe, Derek, Elena, the Broken Pencil articles, cha, sev, marion, rinka and véro).
Thanx to the Queeruption Vancouver organizers (specially the zine "master" Reece)
and merci to sonia and catmates for the cozy bed!!!